Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Sakitnya bila bahagiamu deritaku...

“Ku dengar kau cinta sangat padanya…
Ku dengar hatimu kini miliknya…
Biarkan menjadi teman sehidup dan semati…
Aku menjadi sahabatmu…
Sakitnya mengakui kau teman biasa…
Terpaksa kuterima itu hakikatnya…
Yg pasti aku x mahu lupakan cinta…
Kau percik api membakar kenangan lama…
Aku x tahu menilai cintamu
aku x mampu pertahankan
tinggalkanku perlahan-lahan kuterima
semakin kusakit
semakin kau bahgia
aku jadi lemah
sungguh ku tak sangka
dia membawa jantungku


#dalam kenangan 2013#

Monday, October 7, 2013

Its hard to love and hate you. That's for sure. *another poem.

I love the way you crook your smile
I love the way you look at me in the eye
I love the way you said I’m the apple of your eye
And together with me you shall die.

I hate the way you broke my heart
I hate the way you left me with thousands lies
I hate the way you behave like other stupid guy
And that’s when you put out the fire in my eye.

I wish I could turn back time
I wish things will be easier on us
I wish we could just be like them
And I know it was just a impossible dream.

You live there
I live here
You went by
I passed there
We followed two different roads
Our line would never met
And that’s when I realise

We would never become one. 


Friday, October 4, 2013

Un-Requited Love-Garis Takdir Tak Bertemu...

Unrequited love…
Kalau haritu aku dah tulis pasal
Requisite love, reciprocated love
Wlpn dlm bentuk poem..
Kali ni aku nk tulis psl requited love plk…

Un Requited love means *wikipedia;

Unrequited love or one-sided love is love that is not openly reciprocated or understood as such. The beloved may or may not be aware of the admirer's deep and strong romantic affections. 

The Merriam Webster Online Dictionary defines unrequited as
"not reciprocated or returned in kind." 

"Some say that one-sided love is better than none, but like half a loaf of bread, it is likely to grow hard and moldy sooner.”

K, pendek cite cinta bertepuk sebelah tgn la jgk… 
dlm kes yg aku nk cerita ni, cerita cinta 3 segi… hahaha Mana aku dpt idea? Well, kelas sastera.. and a bit of true story...

K, si A suka dekat si B, B suka dekat A. Diorg pernah ada perasaan utk each other. Mutual feelings la. Then B ni attach to somebody else..Kesian A. Die berpura2 mcm xde feeling dekat B. Walhal semua org blh nmpk. Then bile B dilanda mslh dgn partner die and break up, A dah ade org lain. B rase sedih sikit la tp die happy kalau A bahagia. 

Tp then A ni dh xde pape dgn org lain die tu. A close blik dgn B. tp tiba2 ade plk si C yg suka dekat A… B rase nk mgalah sbb C baik sgt dekat die… and the fact C ni mmg seorg yg sgt baik. Keadaan jd chaos. Semua org kata C suka dkt A and die mmg baik tp perasaan A tetap pada B. But,at the end of the day, B mengalah jgk sbb die kata A tu x sesuai dgn die. Minded diorg beza, hala tuju diorg beza, tp masa depan.. kita x tau…

tp aku nasihat jgk pada die..sbb aku tau betapa susahnya bila x sekepala…bila tujuan and cita2 terlalu beza… bila semuanya x boleh timbang rasa… bila impian x sama… x guna jgk bercinta..x kemana… bg aku la..tu yg aku advise pada B… tp terpulangla pd B nk dgr ke x… sbb pilihan di tgn dia… k, hbis cerita A..B..C… *to be continued…

K, next, satu ketika dulu aku pnh take things for granted… especially people sekeliling aku. Dan someone yg sgtlah aku syg. Yg aku bg sepenuh hati aku pd die… tp dia pun aku sia2 kan… kalau lah dulu,… kalaulah… haih nk kata ape pun x guna…bukn kita blh undur masa… tp apa2 pun mmg aku rse terkejut gile and sedikit kecewa..sbb seolah2 die ulang bnda yg sama aku pnh buat satu ketika…

Ya Allah moga dia kekal bahagia dgn insan yg dia pilih… moga bahagia hgga ke syurga selamanya… aku x nak die buat silap yg sma…salah yg serupa..x nak dia rasa apa yg aku rasa… sakit yg x terhingga,…maaf kan aku..dan terima ksih atas segalanya KNMY… kau tetap pertama sampai bila2 walau itu dh tggal sejarah kita. 

Aku lepaskan sgla kngn mcm mn aku pnh buat dulu walau seketika..mmg bkn jodoh kita. Pergilah pd dia… ingatlah sisa gurau senda dan tawa…jgn ingat segala episod duka..ok? mengingati mu, mungkin sbgai teman, menyimpan rasa kpd mu..? sudah lama tidak, sudah lama ku lupakan dan lepaskan… walau masih ada sisa baki, terharu, itu cuma sekadar memori…  J

Kerinduan-Miss Him So Badly-My daddy! *anak manja*

Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera…
Entri ni just menyatakan kerinduan
yg sgt mendalam disaat ni…
Rindu sgt kat abah aku skrg ni…

Dah dua minggu kot x call dia…
Memandangkan skrg ni yayasan aku x msuk lg
Mmg duit pun sgt la limited akses..
Tu pun selalunya pinjam sana sini…
*memang memalukan diri sendiri mgakui semua ni…
Tp xde duit ni ni *or kurang bajet ni
Buat aku sedih sbb x dpt ckp dgn abah

Everytime aku call kdg2 tu ade je halangan
Org sana terletak telefon lah…
Abah aku tido lah
Dia x de lah…
Byk je bnda…

Smlm aku dgn Ika (rum8) aku
Berborak psl family ni..
And aku sgt teringatkan abah…
Sgt merindui die… sgt2…
Hope by next week dpt la ckp dgn die T_T

oh my, miss arguing with him
dancing with him on the footstep
grabbing the kfc bucket
miss talking to him about his teenage time
miss his voice of complaining my cooking
miss being daddy's girl..oh wait,
i still am... 
practically miss everything about him!!!

I am such a bad daughter…
that’s what I always felt deep inside.
My daddy, I miss you!
*oh sgt la anak manja abah!!!

i love you dad
i always were
i always has
i always am
i always will
nzm *teary eyed*

hectic time vs too many things i wanna do..haha

and salam sejahtera...

these few weeks has been a 
hectic week jgk sbnrnya...

being a ketua pgrh... tutor, peserta usrah etc, pljr and “fotografi people” per say...
show off gile * x yah poyo sgt eh bkn pndai sgt pn ambik gmbr... hahaha

and yet, activity sihat aku 
sometime jog and cycling...
tp makan tetap ssh nk agak..
ahahaha *minah yg suka and kuat mkn.

Anyway, mggu lps ni bz sbb 
aku move in to new room... 
kalau dulu k4..now moving in to k6
tapi masih dlm kolej yg tercinta...
kolej aminuddin baki... KAB!

Bersyukur sgt dpt bilik..
bersyukur sgt dpt housemate sekepala...
bersyukur sgt dpt roomate 
yg mcm aku jgk gila2
so i am so thankful for this... 
Syukur Alhamdulilah :) 

*skema x sudah.lol

my new roomate :)