Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Being Brave And Dare Myself Again To Risk

and hye everyone,

Hari2 sbelumnya sebenarnya 
hati tertanya2 dgn perasaan sendiri.
Mungkin aku masih rasa sakit itu lagi.
Ketakutan itu lagi.
Terluka itu sangat sakit.

Kekecewaan itu sendiri bisa 
membunuh kebahagiaan hati.
Aku jadi tidak berani melangkah.
Was-was apa yg ada 
dihadapan mata sendiri.
Walaupun cinta itu 
tidak terungkap, x terkata.

Meski tidak mencari, 
tidak menjangka 
aku bertemunya,
Dia adalah hadiah dan 
kurniaan terindah tika ini.

Dan aku mahu ia kekal begitu
 hingga ke akhirnya.
Tapi mungkin itu yg aku takutkan,
Takut apa yg terjadi bkn 
seperti pengharapan.
Mendalamnya apa yg aku rasakan,

Aku jadi takut utk meneruskan 
mahupun menanti mahupun 
melangkah kehadapan.

Namun aku berterima kasih 
dia memberikan aku kepercayaan
 dan keyakinan semula.

Membuat aku yakin dgn dirinya, 
dgn hatinya, dgn rasa cinta 
yg diberikan olehnya.

SNT, sy x mencari awak, 
sy x berharap menemui sesiapa,
Lebih2 lagi secepat ini. 
Sbnrnya sy lg berhrp 
tidak menemui sesiapa.

Namun takdir mmg x terduga,
 bkn ditangan kita.
X sgka awk akan hadir dlm hidup sy.
Memberi erti dan nafas baru.
Awak buat sy rasa bahagia.
Terima kasih byk utk itu.

Selepas byk bercerita tntg awk,
Dgn mata yg dikatakan 
oleh mereka 
penuh bercahaya,
dgn keyakinan yg terserlah,
saya tau, y nk terus dgn awk…

Ingat janji kita?
I never thought I’m gonna say this again.
But SNT, I love you. I do.
You make me realise 
a lot of things I never see before.

Thanks a lot for everything.
And,...I miss you.

Monday, December 16, 2013

More than annoyed for not-mine works.

Assalamualaikum and good day all…
In a way I am not complaining,
It’s just that I really hate to do somebody’s job…
Ok, it was a work that’ll help me learn, but still.
I was feeling heavy about the great flow after 5 months of nothing,
Then, I was actually in pain and not in a very good health
And in the last week of semester we were revealed our carry marks.
Yes, it helps u targeting for finals.
But, seriously it bothers you.
Confidence is nothing without the outcome.
Doing double, triple work which is not yours…
Seriously annoying!
Oh, f the s. seriously.

When u are in pain, not in good mood, 
its not fun to be pressure on. 
especially by fussy puss.
you feel like slapping someone. seriously.

Monday, December 2, 2013

The Poem For Someone Again...After A Long Time.

You made me smile
You made me 
think of you every second
You made me drift away 
from the real world
You made me 
stand up on my own
You made me the 
happiest in a day
You made me cry for 
the right reason
You made me feel touched
You made me 
felt appreciated
You made me realize 
it’s a real world out there
You made me stumble 
from missing you
You made me live the dream 
when I am still awake
You made me trust, believe, 
and risk again
You made me dare to try again
And lastly, 
you made me fall 
for someone again.

Thank you for that :)