Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Hasil Tinta Digital Dan Pencarian Idea Puisi

Kau dan aku... kita.

Walau tidak bersua muka

Walau tidak berkhabar berita

Walau tidak berbual bicara

Walau tidak bermadah tinta

Asalkn dirimu dlm sejahtera

Itu sdh ckp buat diri ini berasa 

bersyukur tak terkata

Dn trs berbhagia

jg diri cinta

aku merinduimu sentiasa <3

Sunday, March 16, 2014

A Part Of You Or APART??? you name it.

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera J

Korg percaya x..., kadang2 tu x kira la sesusah mana pun kita berusaha untuk menjadi sebahagian drpd sesuatu atau hidup org disekeliling kita, kita x kan pernah dpt.. walau sedikit pun... ya, percayalah. Nama yg selalu disebut2 pun belum tentu bermakna sudah diterima sebahagian hidup kita apatah lagi nama yg di mensi nye sekali sekala... kadang2 kelakar sgt sbb rasa diperguna setiap waktu dan sepanjang masa... hehe tp itu reality hidup kan... sbb tu kdg2 aku selalu rasa aku lebih selesa bila hanya ada aku sahaja. #truth

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

When it comes to love age doesn't matter. not like anything ever matters anyway.

Demi segulung ijazah dan sebuah kejayaan *awal2 sem problems.

Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera again everyone.

Yay, harini saya dpt baucer buku! #eh# haha that is not an issues today…  but, nk jgk sebut sikit issue bnda2 cmni… awal2 sem ni mmg student2 byk problem… ptptn ade yg dh masuk and belum *in my case yayasan x dpt lg*
Ok students2 sekalian, bak kata DR N pada saya smlm… we all just have to bear with that… follow the system..huhu tp, kesian jgk kat member2 yg x dpt lagi just sbb alasan yg x munasabah…let say, x daftar kursus awal x dpt ptptn… tp yg lain2 tu ok je…so ape issuenye? Hehe sabar ye kwn2,..hrp anda semua bertenang and berdoa cpt2 ptptn tu msuk..fhm sgt seksa hidup xde income ni… *diri sendiri ni pun sama… so, dh dpt duit nnt jimat2 la yek…. Ok, x pyh nak ckp org sgt kalau rase diri sendiri tu pun boros jgk! Hahaha

Baucer buku, patut dh dpt kt tgn hari Isnin… tp today baru dpt… maybe diorg x settle lg name list and whatsoever… hehe buktinye aku tgk td namelist sgt tunggang terbalik… *berkerut2 carik nama sendiri sebab x ikut program, thun dan lain2… aih ^_^ *berpeluh ketiak je lepak kat kaunter… anyway, wlpn dh rncg nk beli mcm2 dgn baucer buku tp aku tau bnda yg aku plan utk beli tu x sepenting keadaan utk survive skrg ni… so, sacrifice jgk la sikit2…

Masalah ketiga,… kursus yg tunggang langgang and korg had no idea pun nk kena buat ape sbnrnya utk course tu… hahaha trust me masalah tu mmg akan ade every sem… x kira la subjek killer atau tidak… akan ade je kelas yg sgt x organize… sng cte disaster… utk sem ni aku rase subjek2 aku ok je,… *ok fine, ade satu yg dh mula nmpk mcm huru hara tp aku hrp kitorg yg sbgai lab rats ni akan jadi ujikaji yg berjaya… hahaha  *as long as ko bg A aku rse sume ok kot. Heh.
Masalah keempat… masalah lazim dan wajib dekat UKM ni… issue xde air… Cuma masalah ni x terasa berat sgt ditanggung kami para pelajar sbb beberapa kawasan kat Selangor pn sama. *so x lah terasa kami ni keseorgn sgt kan,…. Eh gitchew! Drama sgt la weyh! Anyway, keje aku hari2 personally right now adalah tumpang mandi dekat blok lain sbb air akan bergilir2 kat sini and kolej kediaman aku except beberapa blok yg mmg konsisten ade air. If blok2 ni pun kering mmg kitorg akan kecut perut sikit sbb itu tandanya keadaan dh agak serius dan tandus… juga mencemaskan kalau tetibe ptsl dh xde air… OH NO!
If air tetibe ade kat rumah pangsarama or bilik kitorg mmg kitorg akan rase sgt bersyukur,…sgt2 bersyukur. Kalau x kdg2 utk mengelakkan kami2 yg x berapa kuat smgt ni pengsan jln kaki mlm2 g ke blok yg jauh semata2 nk menyelesaikan beberapa perkara sblm tido,… kami berjemaah la turun beramai2 atau mengangkut air berbaldi2 keatas… *penakut punya pasai! Hahaha #ini reality okeh# dahla tgga kitorg ni mmg mcm naik Batu Caves tu tggi nye.. berbelok2 plk lagi… yg straight mmg direct betul smpai ambik nafas..maklumla atas bukit… hehe (x pyh g gym dh u olss exercise gini sajo)
So, dgn cuaca yg x menentu skrg ni, thp kesihatan pn kdg2 x stabil,… kelas pn kjp bz kjp x… *yg aku sgt pasti last2 minit nnt bertimbunan beban tugas…* dgn x boleh balik 2 mggu sbb  ade coaching training things… *tp aku rse worth it if kita menyumbang utk masyarakat…seriously. Wlpn tak cuti lgsg and direct for this 2 weeks… arhhhhhh!!! Sadis. Lastly, skrg ni dh pandai byk nyamuk plk kt hostel. X leh tido x psg ubat nyamuk. X phm aku mne dtgnye… haih…
Tapi korg percaya x..semua ni skrg mmg troublesome yg menyusahkan, menyakitkan hati, menyebalkan, tp satu hari nnt korg akan egt dan rindu balik dgn semua kenangan2 waktu belajar ni. Lebih2 lagi kalau keputusan tu bagus…mmg akan rase berbaloi semua susah payah dan jerih perih selama 3,4 tahun ni… semoga suatu hari nanti aku sedar dan bangu semua kesusahan ini mengajar aku erti kehidupan dan menjadi lebih matang dlm melangkah meneruskan kehidupan diluar sana J amin.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Congrats all my dear friends, Barakallah!

Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera… J

Well, harini aku nk ucapkan congratulations sbnrnya kpd shbt2 yg baru je mendirikan rumah tannga dan bakal melangkah ke alam rumah tangga pada tahun ni… *and akhir thun lps jgk la.

For last year, salah sorg yg paling rapat dgn aku or terus terangnya seseorg yg pernah berada paling dekat dlm hati aku ni telah pun membina mahligai bahagia bersama pasangannya nun jauh di bumi borneo sana. Syukur alhamdulilah cerita bahagia beliau terus kedengaran dan aku harapkan kekal hingga ke syurga. Selamat berbahagia dan tahniah kawan… kami disini sentiasa mendoakan yg terbaik utkmu. Amin.  

For last year jgk utk one of the besties, classmate, Farra Nur and her hubby… congrats and may you both last till Jannah and cepat2 dpt baby okeh! We all wish both of you the very best luck… J

X lupa jgk utk member sekelas, Pn Nurul Nadia Abu Bakar dgn psgn beliau W.M.E … Tahniah dan semoga kekal bahagia hgga ke Jannah serta dikurniakan zuriat yg solleh dan sollehah… Amin. Kami seluruh warga TESL sekalian mendoakan yg baik2 utk kamu berdua. J
Ok, utk this year dgr2 khabarnye ramai lg yg akan membina masjid. *Ececeh. Sori kpd sesiapa yg aku lupa nk mention sbb so far yg aku tau just Diela and Asyraf… Nurul and Nasuha,… 

if ade lagi jgn lupe inform2 teman yek! Hehe… so congrats everyone and I wish all the best for my friends and may you all have all the happiness in the whole world till Jannah and never have to face all the unpleasant acquaintance ever. Amin… J till the next entry… 

Monday, March 3, 2014

"Next station, please mind your steps.."

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera…

It’s the new semester everyone!

Anyway, had a blast a month of semester break… even though if you ask me I would say that it was more than enough. My hols is quit bored to be honest. I didn’t go for work as there were time constraints *ok alasan… boleh sgt kalau nk keje beberapa hari sbnrnya tp malas sgt2 kan… its just going back home time… spend time with your family and stayed home. Ok jalan2 pun as in g pantai jelah which I have to say, maybe… I spent too much time at the beach…

First it was Pantai Sri 7 Kelantan Darul Naim with my family *having fun eating, picnic, searching for ousters and stuffs (which I didn’t join due to my useless skills in that field…hehe) *so I just spent time with my niece and nephews drowning ourselves in the sea, playing on the beach… huhuhu #being childish for one last time… and then Teluk Kemang Port Dickson Negeri 9 with my friends #being even more childish... the weather was extremely hot but we had a fun day eating, cooking and the night of sleepover and stuffs *considering this is the last time we all go there as a “MISS”. Hahaha.  

So, I had this sun tan #as Dr N had said once she met me after the break. It was funny though, she rarely sees me but she is the only one who notices. Hahaha. It was definitely an important break for my life for now considering soooooo many things is happening in a very fast speed.

So, I took a rest and go to Istana Budaya to watch a theatre called “Bidasari” #it was a hell of process for getting the tickets for both of us, me and my syg… but then, it was really worth it. It worth all the pain in the ass and troubles for the tickets #let me skip the part of going back and forth to kl Sentral and mv by train and so on. Its tiring.  It was a great night.

The new semester was really fun. Our classes were good and I can’t believe that we are in week 3 now. Our subjects were fun.. I took 7 courses this semester which there is 2 literature class. So you know why it excite me the most. Coz I just loooves literature class. Our lecturers were fun… and I also fix my lc by this sem. So everything should be good. I have a good mood and feelings for this semester btw. *targeting to reach the dean list this semester and will work my ass for it no matter what. Hahaha semangat sgt!

Everything is going well,… syukur alhamdulilah… *ceh mentang2 sekarang hati dah mula pandai belajar rindu and berdetak hebat… #eh! Haha xde kena mgena. Whatever it is aku bersyukur dgn kegembiraan yg aku rasa dlm hidup aku skrg sbb aku tau aku berhak utk gembira dan menentukan jalan hidup aku sendiri.

One last thing, aku sememangnya travel dgn ktm. Kemestian, keharusan, kewajipan setiap kali nk keluar or balik etc. last semester break, aku balik n9 by ktm. Its amazing bila pndg keluar tgkp nmpk permandangan and you see your life flash in your eyes… your past… to be exact, my past, undeniable everytime I passed there it stills haunts the past. But then I heard one announcement made, “next station, please mind your steps” so I know I have to move on to the next station in my life too, and this time, be very careful with each steps I took.  The end. Hahaha c u guys in the next entry.