Post aku kat wall FB td...
yg aku nak kongsi sikit disini...
and citekan or explain kat korg satu2
ape yg aku maksudkan...
yg mana satu kita akan pilih
demi kebaikan semua???
tapi persoalannya...
mampu ke aku ikut sendiri apa yg aku tulis tu???
itulah jgk yg aku ckp waktu nasihatkan dak2 upper 6 td
sbb walaupun kata2 itu hampir sama...
tp istilah dan definisi nya berbeza sgt2...
cube tafsirkan satu persatu...
aku kaji BM setahun setengah eh...
ade lain2 maksud perkataan yg hampir sama tu...
bagi diri aku...
kata2 tu mmg terkena sgt pada diri sendiri...
dlm hidup aku cth nye...
setiap kata2 tu bermaksud...
segala kemahuan aku dari kecik dulu
segala kemahuan keluarga aku...
segala impian dlm diri aku yg mmg
dah ditetapkan dari dulu dlm jln hidup aku
kemahuan semua pihak...
kemahuan aku dlm kejayaan...
semua tulah...
segala keinginan aku utk rasa
seperti memiliki sesuatu yg berharga
or at least sesuatu yg istimewa...
something special...
or keinginan utk jd wild or
ikut kata hati and
heart instinct la org kata...
keperluan utk survive...
rohani, intelek, jasmani, emosi...
>rohani selalu nya dikaitkan dgn keagamaan or
unsur2 ketenangan gitu la kan...
>intelek lebih kpd pemikiran kita and academic
>jasmani pulak more tu kesihatan and fizikal la
>emosi lebih kpd perasaan yg kita rasakan...
semua aspek / elemen tu ade keperluan
yg tersendiri and unik utk dipenuhi...
keperluan2 ni mesti dipenuhi utk terus hidup...
apa yg kita nak utk hidup lebih selesa
and lebih bahagia la sng citer...
sesuatu yg x terhad and sesuatu
yg x boleh kite kawal or penuhi
sbb byk sgt kehendak dlm diri kite...
sampai kdg2 menimbulkan konflik dalaman
dah complicated lak jadinya...
bile semua kehendak x dpt ditunaikan
sbb mustahil utk memenuhi semua nya
dlm satu mase betul x?
I mean kite bukannya boleh lwan takdir
or betulkan sesuatu yg dah lps...
hidup bkn dibawah kawalan kite...
kite cuma merancang...
tp ALLAH s.w.t yg lebih mengetahui and merancang
kehidupan kite...
(ape kes dah mcm dlm kelas ekonomi cikgu Jam and kelas Tasawwur lak ni???)
setiap individu perlu kan
penetapan and plan hidup mereka...
important element...
what is so important to them they should be focusing on?
Of coz la mencapai kejayaan dlm kehidupan dunia and akhirat
in any other word
sbb in life...
you got many different choices
and it is up to you to decide...
or in my case other decided...
but like everyone kept telling me...
for goodness sake...
can't I just be thankfull and say THANKS???
but also...
I got other priority in my life...
my mind...
it is him...
but this is obviously not a priority
according to others
its just that
it is one of my number one priority...
the feeling of belongings....
felt like I belong there instead of here...
and half of me has been divided...
50 there
50 here...
I could die if I kept thinking about this whole thing
(just kidding and being sarcastic)
So what I can say is...
life doesn't work like we hope it turn up to be
it is not happening our own way...
life doesn't just go like what you want or planned...
you are the one who will just
have to go with the flow
let the time and destiny decide
coz everything has been fate and fix for you...
maybe what we thought the best for us
is not
and maybe what we thought less important
is the most we need...
life is a mystery
the one we have to discover with faith
believe and trust...
sometime it does feel like
completing a jigsaw puzzle...
or sudoku...
its compicated...
but we will always found the pieces
whenever we less expect it...
peculiar things happened...
and we asked ourself... WHY???
But everything is happening for a reason...
and that is the thing that will make you believe
in whats true or not...
and will make you calm down
in the time u need it the most...
the time we need to hold on to something...
those words are most of the time soothing our mind off...
nobody is perfect...
that I admit...
and everyone ade rezeki masing2
we will find our way...
so walaupun hidup aku x mcm yg aku set
dari kecik dulu...
sbb tibe2 ade satu virus positif
yg menyerang and muncul dlm hidup aku ni...
virus yg buat aku happy all the time...
x lelap tido...
x kenyang bile mkn...
x basah bile mandi...
and virus ni muncul setiap kali aku bernafas...
setiap kali degupan jantung bergerak...
tp aku bersyukur sgt kerana
dgn kehadiran virus ni
aku sedar erti hidup...
dan kerana virus ni...
aku rase senang
thays y I love this virus...
and x nak delete sampai bile2...
ngeeeee :)
(kritikal sungguh , saket2... !!!)
tapi aku yakin...
semuanya akan ok...
nanti, satu hari...
everything will be fine...
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tough girl... superpowerwoman |
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