and salam sejahtera everyone :)
sempena entry hari ibu ni aku pun xtau sbnrnya
nak tulis ape utk describe
A truly Happy Mother's Day
well,first of all...
“ Remembering you
on Mother's Day
is one of my
favourite things to do!"
selamat hari ibu aku ucapkan utk ibu2 seluruh dunia...
kpd mak2 mentua... (+bakal mak mentua) :-p >gatal<
mak cik2 and yeah yg bakal jadi ibu pun... congrats :)
but,personally aku x tau nk ucapkan kat sape...
hahahaha (gile sadis) melindungi perasaan sedih sendiri
wuuu if only my late mum was here...
mesti aku dah buat card yg agak2 cantik...
ke hodoh sbnrnye? Xde seni aku ni... hehehe
utk die je... and die tetap akan terima dgn senyum lebar
mcm mane pun card tu... :'-( sedih siot....
this is also a dedication for you...
one and only... Late Hjh Rubyah bt Baharudin :)
>27/4/1955-12/3/2006< passed away for 5 years...
miss you so much mak...
miss ur nagging & babbling me...
keep me on the ground... and down to earth...
no one can ever replaced you...
however aku ade rmai gakla yg aku wish...
erm,first aku wish dekat
Mek aku yg berada di Kelantan
>someone who gave birth of me< tq sgt2 mek...
syg mek sgt2 wlpn kite jauh and x selalu jumpe.
(jarang sgt2)rindu mek...
lebih2 lg ingat mase kecik2 mek ade dtg sini
and suapkan mase dinner time... wuuuuu :'-(
>bilelah nk ase gitu lg<
even die x besarkan aku,
aku tetap sygs die giler2...
org kate cmne pun...air dicincang x kan putus...
so naluri beliau tu kdg2
mmg tepat memahami anaknye ni...
wlpn jauh dimata... dekat dihati...
secondly,aku wish dekat ibu...
yg lps arwah mak xde, die ambik alih...
menambah aku jadi sbhgian family die...
considered me as her own daughter...
even kdg2 prgai aku mmg sgt2 complicated....
die tetap cube utk fhm aku cmne...
try to be a bestfriend that sometimes,
I can tell everything to...
so thanks a lot ibu... love you so much...
your sacrifices memang susah nk digambarkan dgn kate2...
thirdly, aku wish dekat mama...
seseorg yg also menganggap aku seperti anak beliau...
even aku ni bkn lah saudara terdekat pun...
cume close friend to the family je...
yg selalu concern and ambik berat...
and x jemu2 ajak aku spend time dgn die...
and pujuk aku... :)
thanks ma... ina syg sgt dgn mama...
maaf kalau ina pernah lukakan hati
and perasaan mama...
memang ina ingat mama selalu...
sbb ape pun yg terjadi...
mama tetap mama ina :)
and kpd my future mother in law
berangan lebih doe... hahaha demmit...
sgt2 gatal anda disitu :-p
>ckp dlm hati je< hahahahaha
*sia2 kena gelak kalau anak org tu bace... :-p wekkk
hahahaha ~udah2 la tu mimpi...~ wake up2 ^_^
ngeh ngeh.... weeeeeeeeee ngeeee hehehehe (sakit2*)
-sambil geleng2 kepale- (^_^”) behave cik Zarina...
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but aku wish kat rmai...
kire untung la tu ye x?
X mau sedih2 lagi coz diorg sume is a family :)
plus aku baru je dpt berita happy smlm...
yg adik real aku yg pompuan, Farah dari Kelantan
akan turun padang... menolong akaknye disini
utk operasi clean up besar-besaran...
since aku mmg x terdaya, x smgt nak buat sorg2...
seriously... giler x mampu...
si Zai pun akan dtg membantu...
mek dgn Zahid pun sebolehnye nk dtg...
tp x dpt sbb Zahid terikat dgn tugas and
mek kena jaga akak aku yg bakal melahirkan anytime...
sekali lagi jadi aunty... best2 giler... seronok... ^_^
so they are my beloved family... tq so much!!!
tanpe korg sume saye x kan mampu berdiri sorg2...
yg lain tu xde nak wish pape kot...
selain tq sbb buat saye makin rase pressure
dgn hidup saye
when obviously korg x pernah nk bg smgt pun...
so time kasih bebanyak sbb,
buat saye menyampah dgn life disini... huh!!!
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