Saturday, May 14, 2011

Nak Jugak!!! Nak Jugak!!! Pegi tido la weyh, then... baru mimpi, OKEH???

Assalamualaikum w.b.t
salam sejahtera and selamat pagi...

jam kat dashboard aku dah menunjukkan 
pukul 1.45 am 
and sampai la ni aku dok berjaga 
and x tido2 lagi... leka dok menaip...
walhal esok bkn main byk lg keje menanti (huhuhu)

actually aku mmg dah nk tido dah pun...
tp tetibe aku ter “stalker” fb member2...
ade la member2 lame sume...
terbace lah perkembangan2 terbaru diorg...
alalalala bahagianye tgk masing2 ade kemajuan
and perkembangan terkini...
serius boley wat aku lentok tgk masing2
dah berubah giler...

tp maklumler kan...
bile dah masuk zaman puluh-an ni...
aku tgk rmai kawan2 aku yg dah settled down...
so mcm ade rase jeles and envious sikit la...
not in a negative way, but positive way lah kan...
haishhhh bile lah aku pun nk jd gitu... (hahaha)
ckp tanpa motif :-p
udah2 ler tu!!!

aku kalau dpt la tnya diorg...
satu soalan jer...
I mean sng2 jer boley settled down gitu... ?
Kalau aku mmg xde makne lah der...

ok, I know this is one of our forbidden topic...
especially right now...
mmg sensitive la skrg kan...
tp kdg2 tgk org lain... oh come'on!
Xkan korg2 sume yg lain x pernah ase gitu?
Betul x... ??? (mintak sokongan) >shit< hohoho
~ok sori x sgja nak curse2 gitu~ apologetically :-)
so secara emo nye, ape yg aku pk adelah normal...
(ikut rasional maybe mmg x lah kan)
but yet, WHO CARES???

tetibe aku pun terbukak lah schedule utk
the next months...
and guess what? Selain keje...
cuti sekolah ni and the next 2 months
mmg full dgn invite dari KAWAN2...
so aku mmg like, what???
shock giler...

ok from the bright side...

dpt la jumpe kwn2 lame...
(dah mcm reunion lak aku rase)

but from the other side...
aku rase if aku penuhi sume invite tu...
kpla otak aku jgk yg akan ting tong...
serius penyakit aku akan melarat...
hahahahaha :-p (if u know what I mean)

aku ase aku ni dah kena g cure
habit daydreaming aku yg dah melampau
and overacting ni tau x!!!
dlm kes aku ni (day+night dreaming habit) hohohoh
g servis balik otak aku ni and betulkan wayar2
yg putus or shot tu (erk,...betul ke aku eja tu?)
whatever,... I mean dah pg ni mmg slow loading lah :-p

sbb sejak electrocuted dgn that 4 letter-word tuh
plus that 5 letter-word tu coming by...
aku dah jd insane...x tentu arah and resah...
tp xde lah 24/7 kpla ni dok pk ke situ jer...
idok le gitu sekali ye dok?

Tp sng citer pape yg aku buat skrg,
bila sgt perlukan smgt yg sgt2 kuat
kdg2 aku jdkan sume tu sbgai sumber kekuatan...
yes, for a while, this mean time, its ok lah kan...
but, what about after this...
afterwards? Another years to come by?

Hurm, aku ase aku dah mule merepek @ merapu
agak jauh ni... so back to the topic...
just at the middle of the night like this...
when I am burning with inspiration and byk berfikir
especially about life,
this will never let go by my mind...
but I know... time by time...
bende ni xkan buat aku ase saket kat ulu hati lg..
(pahit menelan hakikat semua ni lah, I mean.)

tp yeke? What if?
Just what if? This things keep following me?
Hahahaha the truth is,...
aku sendiri pun masih belum ade jwpn 
bg soalan aku tuh
so hopefully,
aku boley keep my self happy,
be grateful 4 what I have now...
and enjoy life more...
learn to be a better person...

tentang settled down bagai ni?
Hurm let it go from your mind for now Zarina...
whatever will be shall be...
its not the end of the world :)
~nodded with regretful feelings~ hahaha
*pathetic betul!!!

now... hush hush to bed!!! (^_^”)

p/s:semoga korg sume
xde habit cronic mcm aku nih

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