Sunday, October 19, 2014

Beginning of thesis process - draft of Questionnaire. I Am Going Crazy!

Assalamualaikum and hye everyone...

Harini duk tertunggang terbalik buat questionnaire kat 
fakulti utk tunjuk hari Jumaat ni. Mgkin akan still byk salah but berserah jelah sbb ni baru nk tunjuk draft survey sajo kan. Anyway, tajuk ok cume time nk buat soalannye aku jd blur. Hahaha agaknye ni mmg perasaan org yg nk buat thesis. Thesis oh thesis. Mendera rasa dan jiwaku jugak ni. Artikel mmg byk but howwwww nk develop questionnaire??? Warghhh agak confuse disitu. Xpe, nnt consult balik. Nasib baik la SV sporting and baik gle so far. Tq Dr M. Hopefully aku bkn lah yg terbang dan hanyut dlm membentuk questionnaire ni.kalau x sia2 kena marah buat kali pertama dgn SV. Huh. Risauuuuuu!!!

Anyhow, this is my life basically nowadays. Thesis, class,  
hectic weeks plus group and individual project. 
Presentations. Cuma disebabkan mggu ni mid sem dpt relaks skit. *x sgt la keje berlambak sajo. Bkak cuti ni rasanya lg pengsan kot???

Life has been good nowadays... thanks to people around me and big bos yg x henti2 bg sokong kn mrs wifey yg tgh penat. Hehe been moody and marah2. Normal la tu. Craving to eat so much things lately sampai aku sendiri pun pening kpla and the best part is. The part when you can actually feel. The best moment i can say so far.  Haha ckuplah smpai kat situ dlu. Tx for reading. And goodluck utk semua yg tgh buat thesis jgk. Hehehe 

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