Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tragic Bus ACCIDENT sTory...

The bus xcident
bunyi tajuk cam tragik sgt je kan?
ape yg aku nk cite ni ialah salah satu
cerita paling trauma pernah jd kat aku...

its what happened lately
or so,
what I actually thought and
believe happened...
The bus xcident...
and it involved me...
and what I called
nearly death experience”
yo yo owh je...

mungkin sesetgh org aggp remeh
bende2 cmni
but not me...
coz ia masih tggalkan kesan
sampai ke hari ni...

Hari itu...
Isnin... 25/10/2010
balik dari sekolah

aku tahan bas
kebetulan Ekin berada di belah sana
aku minx driver tggu jap je
tp die tanak...
aku lgkh naik jgk...

sebelah kaki on the stairs
tgga yg sgt licin...
sebelah g x sempat naik...
tgn both on the doors
pastu entah mcm mane

aku terslip over...
tergelincir sblh kaki yg kat dlm bas tu
bas start gerak...
aku yg tgh jth ni...
di DRAG oleh bas
dlm stgh meter...
and thankfully
ade org dlm bas tu jerit suruh berhenti,

nasib baik aku x lepas kan pintu
or jtuh betul2
kalau x...
masuk bwh bas kot...
ape ke...
hishhhh... nauzubillah...
pape pun leh jd lah mse tu
mak cik2 keje kilang
yg tgh tggu bus sume jerit2
crowded betul suasana mse tu
haru biru

Pipah ckp,
mase tu die dah tawakal je
Ekin plak x tau sbb x nmpk pape
tp mmg moment yg menakutkan
and berjaya buat aku senyap
sepanjang perjlnan balik
buat kali pertama x bersuare

semua tnya aku ok ke x...
tp siyes mase tu aku tgh terkejut
sbb pk kite x sedar pe yg jd
and think
is it my fault???”
nak mrh pun x gune...
but sabar jelah...

cikgu2 sume tnya
and ambik berat
terasa kot
terharu gile ah...
Mak Engku/Cikgu Zakiah
Cikgu Eza
and yg paling touching
Cikgu Hjh Noraini
owh :''(
kwn2 juga begitu
tq la sume yg ambik berat :)

xleh nak mention name
ramai sgt...

walau bagai mana pun
aku dpt iktibar dari peristiwa tu
its gives me
new perspective
and make me be optimistics
though I swear u dunno
how hard that was...

life is short
appreciate what u have in life
live your life
the way you should be
as long as you are breathing...

i've been given another chance
to correct my mistake
make me be a better person...
than I used 2 be...

be happy with your life the way it is
and with what u have
but remember
that u were alive for a reason...
don't ever waste life for nothing!

Since then...
sejak saat itu
I never feel another misery
xde lg sadis2
and makin smgt nak
go on...
move on in my life
not backwards...

makin ade mood nak study
and so on lah...

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