Sunday, January 30, 2011

Makan+makan+makan= GEMOKS!!!


tgk tittle pown dah tau kan...
lately ni
xtau la kerana keje aku mmg melepak je ke...
and kat kedai pun hadap mknan je ke...

tp yg pasti
selera makan itu mmg sehat...

kat Melaka itu pun dah byk mkn

a plate of fried mee hoon
a plate of rice dgn masak asam pedas daging
parmesan cheese cake...
6 J.CO doughnuts
blueberry tart...
sushi + tempayaki...

day 2
a set of KFC X-MEAL
include (a burger, wings, french fries, cheesy wedges)
gosh,watch out the calories!!! (who cares?)
a plate of nasi lemak
3 platefull of spaghetti bolognese...

day 3
2 plate of chicken rice...
(kak long cooked and I just helping)
2 packs of nasi lemak (small size)
1 glassfull of lime juice...
Siakap 3 rasa
Siakap bakar
Sotong goreng tepung
Udang Masam Manis

goddam delicious and heaven!!!

sgt2 best...

mase Zai sleepover tu plak...

day 1
Nasi paprik + horlicks

day 2
Ramyen set + kim bam + sup miso + mango juice
parmesan cheese cake...
cheese bun
BIG APPLE'S Doughnuts
(almond chinamon+hazel)

the rest of it...
x yah la cite...

even mama pun kata...
her daughter ni dah tembam and montel...
mama... malu ler!!!

aku rase sume org dah ckp sal aku dah makin
berisi and naik skrg...
my weight?
Let it be secret...
tp x kesah la janji aku hepi...

xkan nak sekat2 makan kan?
Thats not me...

~pesanan penaja~
-we eat to live... not live to eat-
sekian about my ke-gemoks-an...

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